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Submission Guidelines

Before submitting your manuscript to TexMat Research Journal, please ensure you have read aims and scope, and submission guidelines below. Only articles of acceptable quality that conform to Journal’s aims and scope will be considered. Please note that papers not conforming to submission guidelines may be returned.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically at (you will need to complete a simple registration process (and/or login into website) before utilizing this site).

By submitting an article for publication, authors certify that:
• submitted work is original, and authors do own the rights to it,
• submitted manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere (either in whole or in part),
• submitted manuscript has not already been published elsewhere (either in whole or in part),

Article Types

• Peer-reviewed Original Articles
• Peer-reviewed State-of-the-Art Literature Review Articles
• Conference Articles (Article in Conference Proceedings)
• Chapters, Research Reports, Case Studies, Editorial, Communications


The language of the articles is restricted to English only. British English is Journal’ standard language. Please indicate on the first page of your manuscript if you would want your article to be structured in American English.

Preparing the Manuscript

Manuscripts should only be submitted as Word documents (.docx format). Name the file as “Lastname_of_first_author.docx i.e. “Wilson.docx”. It is recommended to make the header levels and section definitions clear. The authors are kindly requested to use the following manuscript formatting guidelines:

Abstract and Main text paragraphs: Times New Roman font in size 12 point, double-line spacing. Please make the first reference to a display item bold (Figure 1). Do not abbreviate Figure, Equation, etc.; display items are always singular, i.e., Figure 1 and 2. Equations are always singular, i.e., Equation 1 and 2, and should be inserted using the Equation Editor, not as graphics, in the main text. Captions of display items should be inserted in-line within the main text. Please embed the figures (resolution of at least 300 dpi) and tables inside the Text. Please download and use the specific format or template given below.

61 KB

The manuscript should be writing in the sequence outlined below:
• Title Page: Title of the Manuscript, Author/s full “last and first” name, Affiliation/s (Institute/Company/University name city, country), Email ID, and ORCID. Please indicate the Corresponding author by * symbol.
• Abstract: 250 – 300 words, self-contained, without abbreviations, footnotes, and references.
• Keywords: submit 3 to 5 keywords to accompany your manuscript, separated by commas, no full stop
• Main Text: Introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion/s and recommendations
Roles of Authors
Funding Statement
Conflict of Interest Statement
• References: The references must be prepared in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition Author-Date B. For Endnote reference manager style can be downloaded from; and for Mendeley or Zotero reference managers this reference style can be downloaded from Mendeley/Zotero Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (author-date).

We request that SI Units – International System of Units be used throughout to appeal to global audience.

Supplemental files are not currently accepted by TexMat Research Journal.
Note: TexMat Research Journal conducts anonymized peer-review. When submitting your manuscript, you will need to upload the files with no identifying author information (designate as Main Document) and a separate title page (designate as Title Page) with author details.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier) – ORCID is a persistent unique identifier that is used to distinguish a researcher from every other researcher. The submission process of this journal includes the collection of ORCID from corresponding authors. Please follow the link to create an ORCID if you do not have an ORCID yet.


Including the names of the authors on a manuscript is an essential strategy to give credit to individuals who made a significant contribution to the work.
Authorship is a collective obligation of everyone contributed to the research work to decide who should be acknowledged as the author(s) and what order they should be listed. Authorship ensures transparency for those who are responsible for the reliability of the data/content.

The roles of authors must be listed at the end of the Main Text of the manuscript. The following terms must be used to describe the various stages and responsibilities involved in a study: “Study Conception and Design”, “Experimentation – Collection of data”, “Analysis and Interpretation of Results”, “Writing the Original Draft”, “Writing-review and Editing”, and “Overall Supervision”. Each author name must occur at least once in this list; however, it may appear more than once.

The authors name should be listed in parentheses followed by the tasks of research, for example, Study Conception and Design (N.K.); Experimentation – Collection of data (D.K., M.S.); Analysis and Interpretation of Results (V.S., D.K.); Writing the Original Draft (V.S.); Writing-review and Editing (D.K., N.K.); Over all supervision (N.K.).
Authorship statement “All authors have read/reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript” must be included.

If you are a single author, use the following sentence: “The author confirms sole responsibility of the Manuscript”.

Enter the names of anyone who contributed to your manuscript by clicking ‘Add Author’ in the manuscript submission form. The corresponding author of the manuscript may be indicated. Note: You must add your co-authors at this stage (upon submission/revised submission) or they will not be included on the manuscript if it is accepted and published.

The journal editor cannot adjudicate authorship disputes or decide on authorship order. The institution(s) where the work is carried out will be requested to look into any disagreements that have not yet been settled amongst the authors.

Acknowledgements: The authors thank other individuals or organisations for supporting the research work by offering services, funds, or resources in the acknowledgment section.

Review Policy

Following submission, the manuscript is formerly examined by editor-in-chief or a member of the editorial team to determine whether it has the potential to be published. If the material is suitable to send to review, 2 or 3 relevant independent experts are invited to review the manuscript.

TexMat Research Journal uses a double-blind review system where the identities of the reviewers and authors are kept confidential from one another throughout the entire review process. Therefore, authors must make sure that their papers are written in a way that conceals their identities.
Each submission is reviewed by a minimum of two individuals. To indicate your recommended reviewers, please provide us the information of three reviewers. Recommended reviewers should be experts in their fields and should be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. When entering information for your recommended reviewers please ensure that you provide a valid institutional email address for each individual. Please note that the Editors are not obligated to invite any recommended reviewers to assess your manuscript.

Please be aware of any conflicts of interest when recommending reviewers. Examples of conflicts of interest include (but are not limited to) the below:
The reviewer should have no prior knowledge of your submission
The reviewer should not have recently collaborated with any of the authors
Reviewer nominees from the same institution as any of the authors are not permitted

Note: COPE Guidelines will be followed if there is any suspicion of peer review manipulation during the peer review process.

All papers are reviewed as quickly as possible, and within 4-6 weeks of submission, an editorial decision is usually made.

Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, and Duplication

Plagiarism is a form of intellectual theft. When an author tries to pass off previously published material as original content, they are committing plagiarism. The editorial team routinely checks every manuscript submitted by using Google/Microsoft Bing Search Engine and/or by using automated detection algorithms that compare it against electronic source material. Manuscripts with evidence of plagiarism (or self-plagiarism) or duplication will not be considered for publishing in the TexMat Research Journal.

Manuscript submitted to TexMat Research Journal must be free of any falsified data (fraudulently altered data) and/or fabricated data (made-up or faked data) including manipulated images. Textiles and Materials Research Limited reserves the right to get in touch with the affiliated organisation of the author and superior to the author if they do not follow ethical standards for their study and publication. The appropriate action will be taken in accordance with the COPE Guidelines if it is suspected that the manuscript contains fabricated/falsified data/images or plagiarism/duplication.
Note: original terms that were copied directly from previous published articles should be cited properly and enclosed in quotation marks.

Theses and dissertations: Manuscript material that primarily appeared in an author’s thesis may be included if it is the sole instance in which it has appeared, complies with the author’s university policy. Included content from theses or dissertations should be acknowledged in the manuscript’s acknowledgements section and appropriately referenced in the reference list.

Preprints: Preprints are the author’s version of a scientific paper that is posted on a public server before it undergoes official peer review at a journal; preprints may be posted on a public server at any point while the work is being peer reviewed. Authors publishing in TexMat Research Journal may post their preprints of scientific papers on preprint servers, and institutional or authors’ websites provided that the website/server does not put any limitations on the author’s full copyright and re-use rights (without DOI). Posting of preprints will not be considered as previously published papers. However, authors should accurately credit the preprint publication at the time the manuscript is submitted or at any other point throughout the review process for a TexMat Research Journal publication by noting it in the acknowledgement section and by adding a full citation in the reference list. In order to make it easier for readers to discover, access, and cite the final peer-reviewed version of the article if it is published, authors must link from the preprint server to the TexMat Research publication.

Funding Statement

Information of all funding sources (including grant number, if applicable) must be provided in the funding acknowledgement section positioned after acknowledgements, and before the conflict of interest. If no specific funding was provided for the study, kindly include the statement “The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and publication of this article.”

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest or competing interest is defined as any situation that could undermine the integrity of the peer review process, editorial judgment, or publication of an article submitted to the Journal. Conflicts of interest occur when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that are not fully disclosed, which may affect their decisions about what should be published and, if discovered later, might lead a reader to believe that they have been deceived. Conflicts of interest may be seen in personal, financial, and professional ties or relationships. Examples of conflicts of interest include (but are not limited to) the below:
Money or services received from third party by author(s) or their institution in exchange for any content of the submitted work (or received research funding).
Received fees for consulting.
Business partnerships or affiliations with organizations that could potentially impact the content of the submitted work.
Having any patents or copyrights pertaining to the study, whether they are pending, granted, licensed, or the subject of royalties.
Holding securities or shares in a business that might be impacted by the publishing of work.
More examples of conflict of Interest can be found at Conflict of interest –

All authors are required to disclose any potential/actual competing interests upon submission (and/or at acceptance) by including “Conflict of Interest Statement” section positioned after any acknowledgements including funding statement, and before the references. Please write “The author(s) declare(s) that there is/are no conflicts of interest” if none exist.

A paper may be rejected if competing interests are not disclosed. After publication, if a conflict of interest that was not stated becomes apparent, necessary action will be taken in accordance with COPE Guidelines.

Additional information on conflict-of-interest policies, more general good practices and current codes of conduct can be found on the following sites:
A Common Standard for Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Core Practices published by COPE
Oxford University Press

Providing Feedback to Authors

There are some phrases that we commonly use to give authors feedback on their articles in any type of review scenario (for example, editorial review or peer review).
• Accept submission: Manuscript is accepted for publishing; however, copyediting may still be required.
• Accept pending minor revisions: The manuscript has been accepted for publication subject to minor changes.
• Revisions required: There has to be further revision. Article is not currently accepted. Need additional editing and review before being considered for publication.
Major revisions: Greater revisions are required. The article must go through the peer review process again once extensive revisions are done.
• Decline submission: This manuscript is unsuitable for publication in TexMat Research Journal.

Article Processing Charges

An article processing charges (APCs) of 70 NZD (New Zealand Dollar) applies to manuscript published. Only articles of acceptable quality with clear and concise writing will be accepted for publication. All articles are published in TexMat Research Journal (ISSN 2816-1858) and full open access. (Payment terms and conditions: All transactions are in NZD and inclusive of tax. If payment is not made, paper will not be published. All credit/debit card payments may incur a surcharge to cover processing of payments. TexMatResearch New Zealand will not provide a refund in any case.)


TexMat Research Open access articles are published online in PDF format under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License.
Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International — CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Open Access and Copyright

The author(s) retains the copyright of the articles, but the content of the article is free to download and distribute given appropriate attribution to the author(s) and citing Textiles and Materials Research Limited as the original publisher. The authors give an exclusive unlimited permission to Textiles and Materials Research Limited to publish (including to store, copy, and display the content) the article under a Creative Commons License. The authors identify Textiles and Materials Research Limited as the original publisher of the work.
By submitting an article for publication, all authors are implying their consent to publish it according to the submission guidelines of the Publisher and any relevant Creative Commons License.

In compliance with the Creative Commons License, the papers are open-access and can be shared and reproduced.

Long-term Archiving

Each paper accepted is made freely available online. Papers will be hosted online at “”.

All published articles are archived in the National Digital Heritage Archive (NDHA) of the National Library of New Zealand, to ensure their long-term preservation. NDHA ensures that the digital copies of the articles are securely stored for perpetuity.
Access to the descriptive records for the repository items is available through the National Library Catalogue and Publications New Zealand.


The author(s) are encouraged to post their Accepted Manuscript (Peer-reviewed Post-Print Version), and Published Manuscript (Version of Record) to any institutional repository of their choice, as well as to their departmental or personal websites/social media (which includes posting to ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google groups).
Authors are obliged to acknowledge the published source with citation, and link from the deposited version to the URL and DOI of the published paper. Self-archiving is not subject to an embargo period.

The first page of the posted version must have the following notice:
“This is an accepted manuscript (Peer-reviewed version) of an article published by Textiles and Materials Research Limited in TexMat Research Journal. Full details of an article is: [FULL CITE], Available online at [Link to Version of Record using the DOI].”

Publishing Schedule

TexMat Research Journal publishes 2 issues per year. Papers are published throughout the year.

Complaints and Appeals


The complaint can be made by writing an email to All complaints will be handled by the Editor-in-chief of the Journal. After discussing the issues with the relevant associated editors, reviewers, or authors, the Editor-in-Chief consider the arguments and make a decision. Every effort will be made to resolve the complaint as soon as possible.
The author will get the outcome of the complaint via email.


Original decisions by editors are rarely overturned, and editors do not expect frequent appeals. Therefore, authors are strongly advised to submit their manuscript to another publisher if their work is rejected. The editor’s assessment of priority and importance will frequently factor into the decision to publish or reject an article. Authors typically are unable to address these concerns through an appeal. However, if authors think there is an adequate justification or a valid argument for an appeal, please send an email to editor-in-chief with a detailed point by point response to editor/reviewers comments.
Note: Many submissions, which are not an appropriate fit for the journal, are rejected with an extremely general statement of the rejection decisions without any external review. Formal appeals of these decisions are not permitted.
The peer review process that was used for the submission will be examined by the editor. If appeals are successful, authors will be informed of the next steps in the handling of their work.

Publication Ethics

TexMat Research follows the Core Practices developed by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Google Scholar
New Zealand National Library

Further Information

Please reach out to the editorial team of the TexMat Research Journal with any inquiries or additional requests for information regarding the manuscript submission process.

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